Electronic Resources : General, Newspapers, Magazines/Journals
These resources include websites and district-provided databases. When accessing databases from a school computer, no log-in is usually required. However, if accessing these resources from a non-SOMSD computer, you MAY need to log in using the username/password listed in the yellow 2019-2020 Remote Access Databases brochure available at the school library.

General Resources for students...
Naviance - (see your guidance counselor to set up an account)
Noodletools.com - set up your own account (on a school computer) to save your work (research projects, source lists, notecards)
TurnItIn.com - register for an account and join your teacher's class to submit your work
Evernote - http://www.evernote.com
Edmodo - http://somsd.edmodo.com - Join your teacher's specific page/group by using the access code he/she provided. You will need to register for an account first.
Schoology - http://schoology.com
Powerschool - https://powerschool.somsd.k12.nj.us -

Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers (aka Newspaper Cat ) - NewspaperCat currently links to over 1,500 full-text newspaper titles with a goal to include links to as many US and Caribbean newspapers with archival digital content as possible. (no SOMSD Log In Required)
Daily Front Pages - from the Newseum in Washington, DC- front pages of newspapers around the world. Each day, the Newseum receives more than 800 electronic files of newspaper front pages from around the world. Eighty of them are enlarged and printed for display in the Today’s Front Pages Gallery. This daily exhibit is part of the Newseum’s mission to promote better understanding of news and information. A front page can reveal as much about a newspaper and its community as it does about the day’s news (no SOMSD log in required).
eLibrary - offers more than 2,500 full-text sources including magazines, newspapers, books, tv/radio transcripts, maps, pictures and weblinks.
McClatchy-Tribune Collection - includes a 90-day archive of more than 460 U.S. regional and international newspapers from the McClatchy-Tribune wire service. This database is updated daily.
Newspaper Source Plus - Newspaper Source Plus includes more than 860 full-text newspapers, providing more than 35 million full-text articles. In addition, the database features more than 857,000 television and radio news transcripts.
New York Times (1980-present) - via ProQuest
ProQuest: American Historical Newspapers (all listed papers available via drop-down menu)
ProQuest: British Historical Newspapers (Use Traditional Interface)
ProQuest: African-American Historical Newspapers (all listed papers available via drop-down menu)
* URL link is for traditional interface - Use Category Link (in green) for Graphical Interface
Newsbank - Star Ledger (1980 - present) -
MUST have a valid SOPL Library card number
Magazines & Journals
Access to both summaries and full-text articles from magazines and professional or academic journals from around the world.
eLibrary - offers more than 2,000 full-text sources including magazines, newspapers, books, tv/radio transcripts, maps, pictures and weblinks.
Magazine Article Summaries (MAS) - Ultra School Edition (click on EBSCO Web Search)