CHS Library - Visiting and Using the Library

Visiting the Library
The following is a list of rules that all student must observe while in the Library. Violations of any of these rules may result in the loss of Library Privileges.
The Library is a place of quiet study. Students are expected to observe the Rules of Conduct as stated in the Student Handbook. Students must sign into the library with their student ID number.
LibraryTrac - Our attendance tracking software offers offers the chance for students to pre-reserve their library seat. All students must pre-book to be sure there is enough space and to allow for covid tracing if needed.
Library Visitation PROCEDURE:
All students wishing to visit from a study hall, lunch, free period or class , should pre-book their spot (up to three days ahead of time) using one of several methods
Scan the QR code posted around the building and fill out the form competely and properly
Visit and click on LIBRARYPASS
Use the LibraryTrac bookmark on their school device.
Subject teachers may issue written passes to students for their specific library-related assignments and only during their actual class period. Students must sign in on the computer when they enter the library and show the pass to the librarian. Substitute teachers MAY NOT issue passes to students. Substitute teachers MAY NOT bring classes to the library unless they have permission from the librarian.
Students may come to the library during an unassigned period. They must sign in on the sign-in computer when they enter the library. Occasionally, as a result of scheduling, capacity, staffing, or class use, the library may limit the number of students admitted during free periods. Students may come to the library during their lunch period.
Period 9 usage - (effective Dec. 2018) Due to the unique nature of period 9, and the hundreds of students without a period 9 class, students MUST pre-book their period 9 slot. Slots often fill up by 11 am, but if slots are still available, you can reserve it just before you enter the library. .
Food, gum and drinks are strictly prohibited in the library. Bottled water is allowed.

Borrowing Procedures
Materials may be borrowed for a period of two weeks. Students may borrow up to 4 items.
If materials are needed for more time, they can be borrowed for two additional weeks, provided no other requests for those items are received.
Due to the district's new Access and Equity policy, we no longer charge daily overdue fines. However, students are still expected to return all materials promptly, and we can assess a replacement fee for unreturned items. Payments will be collected for lost and/or mutilated books/items. Only cash payment is accepted at this time. This is a Board of Education Policy.
Lost/Damaged materials – value of the item plus any overdue fines. Library Books become lost after not returning them for 90 days. Textbooks are assumed lost within 48 hours after the end of the course.
As per the CHS student Handbook, seniors may have end-of-year activities withheld from them, including but not limited to: not able to obtain a parking permit, not able to purchase prom tickets, or not receiving diplomas or transcripts, etc.
Information last updated: January 6, 2019