Video Tutorials
Video Tutorials for some of the services, websites, databases, or resources used at Columbia HS.

NoodleTools & GoogleDocs - integration
Basically it provides a linked workspace for students to write and share their writing with the teacher, librarian and even a team. When the bibliography is done, the student can export it to Google Docs to include with the paper.
Here's what the student does and sees:
If a student exports his or her work to a word processor, the student can export their notecards and outline to the word processor: -
(click the picture of the printer) -
(click the picture of the printer)
Link to tutorials on the various steps for from setting up the account to uploading your paper, to understanding the Gradebook and feedback comments.

Fair Use, Copyright & Plagiarism
Video created from snippets of Disney movies to demonstrate Fair Use / Copyright .
Video created to illustrate examples of what is or is not considered plagiarism, and includes examples of how to avoid it.